Deuteronomy 30:6 and Perfectionism


Puritan Board Freshman
"And the LORD your God will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live." - Deuteronomy 30:6 ESV

What is your understanding of this verse? Wesley thought it supported his idea of Christian Perfectionism. How may one avoid this conclusion?

I looked through Calvin's Harmony of the Law and he didn't touch upon this aspect of the verse. I also looked at Vermigli's Loci communes: in the article in which he deals with the question whether one can fulfill the precept to love God with all his heart in this life, he interprets Deut. 30:6. He says that this promise is accomplished only in a partial manner in this life, but that its true realization will come in the eternal life.

Blessings in Christ,
The Apostle Paul makes multiple references to circumcision of the heart, and I believe it is usually referring to spiritual regeneration, turning from sin, and spiritual adoption. We are spiritually circumcised. Our sinful flesh is cut off. I believe this is discussed in the first few chapters of Romans, i.e. chapters 3-4. Others will know more than I do. I apologize your post has gone unseen for almost 20 days.
The answer is in the context. What's being described is a perfect restoration from exile. That restoration involves addressing the causes of exile, namely, the sin of the people. In regeneration, God's people are given a new nature; that new nature is oriented to holiness. It faces opposition from the remnants of the old nature, and thus in this life our experience is mixed. But when restoration is finished, holiness is perfected.