D'Aubigne's Histories: Which first?

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Puritan Board Professor
Of D'Aubigne's two works on the reformation, which is to be read first The Reformation in the Sixteenth Century or the Reformation During the Time of John Calvin? I read one covers the earlier reformation and the other the later, but I don't know which one.
The books are not merely chronological, but geographical. Reformation in 16th Century treats Luther, especially; and the Reformation in Germany. Calvin is something of a later contemporary, but also something of a second generation figure. Luther, 25yrs old when Calvin was born, died in 1546; Calvin died in 1564.

Reformation in the Time of Calvin focuses on the Swiss Reformation, but does not neglect the ongoing effects of reform elsewhere in Europe. Banner of Truth published excerpts from this set particularly, and titled their two-vols: "The Reformation in England." On the other hand, another volume by d'Aubigné is his work on the Protestant Church in Hungary, which further advances the geographical and chronological scope of his oeuvre https://books.google.com/books/about/History_of_the_Protestant_Church_in_Hung.html?id=OHowAQAAMAAJ
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