R.G. Sassard
Puritan Board Freshman
Hey Guys. I just started getting deep into reformed theology a few years back (or really just theology in general) and I am reformed baptist as of now. Of course, I have learned much from reformed Presbyterian theologians and others such as Anglican as well. I love the things they have to say and have learned a tremendous amount from R.C. Sproul, J.I. Packer, Martyn Lloyd Jones, Calvin, Luther, J.C. Ryle, etc. I grew up in an Episcopal-then-turned-Anglican church and was born again and baptized at 5 years old. I wasn't involved too much in the church, though, until later on in life. But infant baptism was sort of normal to me as I saw it go on in the church, although I wasn't big on it because I believed (and still do) that nobody is saved by baptism. I thought it to be biblical until I began to study more and became credo because that is what I saw in scripture. After becoming baptist and being in a lot of non-reformed baptist churches who are dispensational, I realized that I am not a dispensationalist or fundamentalist by any means and that a lot of their arguments, or rather understandings, against paedobaptism were flawed and that it really came down to a difference in Bible interpretation as they are Dispensational and the reformed are covenant. I hold to a covenant interpretation of the scriptures and I am starting to understand paedobaptism more clearly and understand the reasonings and arguments behind it. As of now, I am not a paedobaptist, but I do not necessarily have anything against it and do not view those who hold to it as inferior or less spiritual or less biblically sound. So I am looking to study further and am wondering if any of you have some helpful input, as well as any recommended books and teachings on baptism. I have been listening to teachings by Ligon Duncan and they have helped a lot. Any recommendations would be appreciated, and thank you in advance.
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