Covenant Theology Course by Ligon Duncan, free audio

If you have an iPhone/iPad, you can download the “RTS Mobile” app. It comes with a ton of free classes (including, I think, the one you’re talking about)
After looking the other day, I believe most, minus language courses and maybe a few other oddballs, course lectures that Global students listen to as part of their degree programs are available for free. Krueger, Anderson, Belcher, and Duncan are really good.

As a side note, Dr. Anderson’s lectures on Total Depravity (which he calls Radical Depravity) in the Intro to Pastoral and Theological Studies course is fantastic. I am sure the rest on doctrines of grace are equally good. Great resource to point people in your churches to. Anderson is extremely clear and understandable for lay people.
After looking the other day, I believe most, minus language courses and maybe a few other oddballs, course lectures that Global students listen to as part of their degree programs are available for free. Krueger, Anderson, Belcher, and Duncan are really good.

As a side note, Dr. Anderson’s lectures on Total Depravity (which he calls Radical Depravity) in the Intro to Pastoral and Theological Studies course is fantastic. I am sure the rest on doctrines of grace are equally good. Great resource to point people in your churches to. Anderson is extremely clear and understandable for lay people.
Yeah, I had reached out to an admissions guy at RTS a while ago and it seems like the app has the lectures that online students use (minus languages). Such a blessing to be able to have a seminary education (without papers and exams, of course) for free as a resource for lay-people.
If you have the idea that Dr. Duncan sounds "Southern," listen to one of Dr. Douglas Kelly's lectures. I think there is a systematic theology course of his on RTS U or whatever they are calling it these days.