Travis Fentiman
Puritan Board Sophomore
What does one do when a very good defender of Romanist doctrines poses arguments that seem legitimate, and one is not able to answer them?
I have built a library of works (concentrated on the 1600’s) that systematically refute Romanism doctrine by doctrine in order that you can quickly skim through them, find your subject matter, and find in-depth, reformed, catholic, material refuting that exact point of Romanism, no matter how minute:
Is the Roman Church, though apostate, a part of Christ’s visible Church? Is the Roman ministry and Romish baptism valid?
The near-universal reformed consensus during the Reformation and puritan eras to these questions was ‘Yes’. Find out the Biblical reasons for this. The established Reformed Church largely defended the validity of her ministers on the validity of the Roman Church being a Church. Yet they also were convicted the Protestant separation from Romanism was morally and Scripturally necessary.
And lastly, may Romanists be saved? Read the classic reformed answers to these questions on this new page, which has an Introduction:
What does one do when a very good defender of Romanist doctrines poses arguments that seem legitimate, and one is not able to answer them?
I have built a library of works (concentrated on the 1600’s) that systematically refute Romanism doctrine by doctrine in order that you can quickly skim through them, find your subject matter, and find in-depth, reformed, catholic, material refuting that exact point of Romanism, no matter how minute:
Is the Roman Church, though apostate, a part of Christ’s visible Church? Is the Roman ministry and Romish baptism valid?
The near-universal reformed consensus during the Reformation and puritan eras to these questions was ‘Yes’. Find out the Biblical reasons for this. The established Reformed Church largely defended the validity of her ministers on the validity of the Roman Church being a Church. Yet they also were convicted the Protestant separation from Romanism was morally and Scripturally necessary.
And lastly, may Romanists be saved? Read the classic reformed answers to these questions on this new page, which has an Introduction:
I would ask the Thornwellian Southern Presbyterians who may respond below, who do not believe the Roman Church to be a Church, to read the material by Rutherford on the webpage before arguing against the classic Reformed view, so that you do not answer a matter before you have heard it, per the Proverbs.