Communion Monday sermon

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Some context would be helpful. Do they worship on Monday instead of on the Lord's Day?
Hi Edward, fair question. At Scottish communion seasons, for centuries now since the Reformation, (similar actually to some practices found among the early church), there have been services of public worship every day from the Thursday leading up to the Communion Sabbath, as well as on the Monday following, which is usually known as the “the day of thanksgiving”. This sermon is from the Monday.

At the link attached above you can find the rest of the sermons, as well as the fencing of the table and the table addresses.

Some further reading for more context if interested:

Be interested to get your thoughts on the sermon if you get an opportunity.

I notice you’re in Texas, our Texas Santa Fe congregation is due to have a communion very soon, you’d be very welcome to spend the weekend I have some friends there you could stay with. Rev D Campbell from Edinburgh is due to be out there God willing.
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Jeri, sorry I should have said. The topic is how Moses’ prayer reveals to us much about what true godliness is. After a brief introduction, the topic is considered under the following heads:

1. The petition from v13, that the Lord would return.
2. How the further petitions relate to Moses’ own spiritual experience, though not exclusively.
3. How some of the petitions more especially relate to the church at large,

With application throughout.
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Aye fair enough.. though I’m often keen to take a train to these places to get away for the weekend and get to communions, but a lot easier for a single man like me to do!
A sermon on Ps 90:13-17 preached at Edinburgh on the Monday of a recent communion by Rev ID MacDonald (Portree), for any who may be interested. I quite enjoyed it, perhaps others will too and may find some benefit.

Other of the communion sermons can be found at
I listened to this on a drive across town today, and it was such a blessing. Truly among the best sermons I’ve ever heard. Thank you for sharing.
I listened to this on a drive across town today, and it was such a blessing. Truly among the best sermons I’ve ever heard. Thank you for sharing.

You’re most welcome, so glad to hear!
When he began by calling the text and reading it, I thought it was terribly monotonous and almost stoped listening. But after he got going, that thankfully gave way to good warmth and fervor. Excellent sermon. Thank you for sharing.
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