Travis Fentiman

Puritan Board Sophomore
How is it said that God purchased the Church with his blood (Acts 20:28), when God does not have blood? The answer is that it was Christ who bled, who is both God and man.

The attribution of the properties of one of Christ’s natures to the other (such as in Acts 20:28) is called the doctrine of the communication of properties.

It is often thought that a real communication of properties is solely a Lutheran teaching. Yet the reformed affirmed this doctrine in a certain respect, that the properties of both natures of Christ are really communicated to his Person.

This new webpage of resources has an Introduction to these issues that will take you into the depths of Christ’s Person in more detail than is commonly available elsewhere. Be as the bride in the Song of Solomon, and love to gaze upon your Savior, and study and recount his every excellency:

Thoughts on the Introduction or resources on the page are welcome.
How is it said that God purchased the Church with his blood (Acts 20:28), when God does not have blood? The answer is that it was Christ who bled, who is both God and man.

The attribution of the properties of one of Christ’s natures to the other (such as in Acts 20:28) is called the doctrine of the communication of properties.

It is often thought that a real communication of properties is solely a Lutheran teaching. Yet the reformed affirmed this doctrine in a certain respect, that the properties of both natures of Christ are really communicated to his Person.

This new webpage of resources has an Introduction to these issues that will take you into the depths of Christ’s Person in more detail than is commonly available elsewhere. Be as the bride in the Song of Solomon, and love to gaze upon your Savior, and study and recount his every excellency:

Thoughts on the Introduction or resources on the page are welcome.
Thanks for the link and the introduction. You put the Reformed view nicely that the communication of properties is to the person not between the natures (the Lutheran view).