Commentary on the Apocrypha...

Less a commentary per se, but a very good volume nonetheless:

Introducing the Apocrypha: Message, Context, and Significance by deSilva

This comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the Old Testament apocryphal books summarizes their context, message, and significance. The first edition has been very well reviewed and widely adopted. It is the most substantial introduction to the Apocrypha available and has become a standard authority on the topic. The second edition has been substantially revised and updated throughout to reflect the latest scholarship. The book includes a foreword by James H. Charlesworth.
I use the New Oxford Annotated Apocrypha any time I need to reference the Apocrypha. I prefer the RSV's translation of the Apocrypha over the NRSV in this edition, but the notes in the NOAA are helpful for literary interpretation of the Apocrypha.

I recently picked up the Jewish Annotated Apocrypha, which although I find the translation of Jubilees to be rather shonky, its notes are helpful for literary interpretation and context. If I had to choose only one volume to buy, I would probably choose this one for its essays in the back, even though I am still a bit miffed it does not have 5 and 6 Ezra.
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Seeing as DeSilva has been recommended, may I ask what are his other books like? He wrote a New Testament introduction.
Seeing as DeSilva has been recommended, may I ask what are his other books like? He wrote a New Testament introduction.
I have his commentary on Hebrews. To me he has a good grasp of the style, techniques, and rhetoric that the writer to the Hebrews employs. I wouldn't call his views Reformed, but I found some of his insights to be worth the purchase of the book.

His commentary on 4 Maccabees in the New Oxford Annotated Apocrypha is good, too.

He strikes me as a commentator who understands Greek rhetoric, logic, and style, and can explain it to people like myself who don't catch the nuances of it all as well as I should.
Thank you all for your suggestions...
I have a few to pick from now.

If you think of any others that are good, let me know.
