Clark: Bible Study Is Good But A Second Worship Service Is Better


Puritan Board Junior
R. Scott Clark has written a helpful article on the importance of the second (evening) worship service.

I might have critiques of Clark in some other areas, but in matters of worship, he is typically very good.
I think there have been several videos or articles in last 6-8 years addressing this issue. I don't know what or a combination of whats led to it, but my church gave it another try after other failures over the course of the pastor's nearly 40 year's of ministry back around March of 2015 and we've stuck with it(!) (which is a matter of praise as I look at this old announcement). Here are several things I have referenced in the past here or on Facebook, which if anyone reads or views I hope is a spur toward the importance of such 2nd services on the Lord's Day.
