Church history readings


Puritan Board Sophomore
Does anyone have an opinion on the Oxford "Library of the Fathers" series? Is it comparable in value to ANF/NPNF?
OLOF mostly contains translations by Anglo-Catholics associated with the Oxford Movement, and that bias frequently shows up. ANF/NPNF was translated by Protestants, although in some cases a high-church Anglican bias is still evident. Both series have some unevenness in the quality of the translation of various works, including places where a fairly "loose," almost paraphrastic method was used. In occasionally comparing both versions with the original Latin or Greek, I find I sometimes prefer the renderings of one over the other. But then, that result is probably a reflection of my own limitations and biases...
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OLOF mostly contains translations by Anglo-Catholics associated with the Oxford Movement, and that bias frequently shows up. ANF/NPNF was translated by Protestants, although in some cases a high-church Anglican bias is still evident. Both series have some unevenness in the quality of the translation of various works, including places where a fairly "loose," almost paraphrastic method was used. In occasionally comparing both versions with the original Latin or Greek, I find I sometimes prefer the renderings of one over the other. But then, that result is probably a reflection of my own limitations and biases...
Does the bias show up primarily in the choice of works to translate, or also in the translation itself?
Thanks for the input. Would you mind sharing which works/authors in ANF/NPNF you think are the most poorly translated?
Thanks for the input. Would you mind sharing which works/authors in ANF/NPNF you think are the most poorly translated?

So, my experience in this is somewhat limited. I've sometimes encountered a passage that seemed obscure or questionable, and so cross-referenced it with the other series, and perhaps then with PL-PG, and discovered those various issues. But I've not kept a record of specific occurrences. And, my memory isn't what it used to be...
So, my experience in this is somewhat limited. I've sometimes encountered a passage that seemed obscure or questionable, and so cross-referenced it with the other series, and perhaps then with PL-PG, and discovered those various issues. But I've not kept a record of specific occurrences. And, my memory isn't what it used to be...
What is PL-PG?
A series so long only the editor has read it all - if even him.

Both series were essentially collections of preexisting writings, and in the case of PG, translations of the works in Latin. I doubt Migne ever read, or ever intended to read them all. His primary effort was in writing thousands of letters to hundreds of institutions and scholars in order to identify and collect the best manuscripts and editions then available. Jean-Baptiste-Franςois Pitra served as a full-time assistant editor. The nuts and bolts of publication of course involved hundreds of people. The end result was in some sense quantity over quality, but making all of these works available on a wide scale for the first time was a remarkable contribution to church scholarship.
Both series were essentially collections of preexisting writings, and in the case of PG, translations of the works in Latin. I doubt Migne ever read, or ever intended to read them all. His primary effort was in writing thousands of letters to hundreds of institutions and scholars in order to identify and collect the best manuscripts and editions then available. Jean-Baptiste-Franςois Pitra served as a full-time assistant editor. The nuts and bolts of publication of course involved hundreds of people. The end result was in some sense quantity over quality, but making all of these works available on a wide scale for the first time was a remarkable contribution to church scholarship.
I've read a few volumes, out of the 400, myself. Maybe I'll finish before I die. But probably not.
I've read a few volumes, out of the 400, myself. Maybe I'll finish before I die. But probably not.

I've never read an entire volume. More like selected sections of individual works in various volumes. I have no lifetime reading goals with these series... :book2: