Tyler, it depends on what you're looking for. At one end of the scale is the comprehensive Migne edition of the Fathers, which is compose of well over three hundred (yes, that's hundred) volumes. I doubt many private people own this whole set, but the digitization of this collection is landmark. A more specialized type of collection is the Apostolic Fathers collection prepared by J.B. Lightfoot in the 19th Century, which has much material devoted to a few early fathers, such as Clement, Ignatius and Polycarp. There are sets (complete and selections) of individual Fathers, or works on similar topics by various Fathers. In other words, there are quite a few resources. So, in order to provide you with better answers, is there something specific which you are interested in reading? A particular Father whose works you would like to read? A specific time period, or topic? A broad introduction to the fathers? This will make it easier to produce recommendations of what to look for and where.