Calvin / Beza Question

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James Swan

Puritan Board Freshman
I came across a quote from Calvin in which he states,

"Also when we believe that this proceedeth of that, that God hath chosen us: Thereupon it followeth, that the rest of the world remaineth blind. But because it would be too long to allege all, consider those places which are gathered in a little book that our brother master Beza hath made thereof, and you shall be fully satisfied therein."

I'm trying to figure what book of Beza's Calvin is referring to.

The Calvin quote comes from Treze Sermons Traitons de l'election gratuite de Dieu en Jacob, et de la rejection en Esau (1562). It was published in English as "An answers to certain slanders and blasphemies, wherewith certain evil and disposed persons have gone about to bring the doctrine of God's everlasting predestination into hatred." For those of you with the old Ages software, it can be found as the last chapter of Calvin's "Sermons on Election and Reprobation."

In the Ages version, the preface states,

"It is interesting that the enemy of predestination whose slanders Calvin answered evidently appealed to Philip Melanchthon in support of his rejection of predestination. It is equally interesting, and of some historical and theological value, that Calvin referred the “simple and weak” soulswho were troubled by the slanderous writing to “a little book that our brother, master Beza, hath made” for a full and satisfactory defense of predestination."

And in the Ages version, Calvin states:

"We have also home writers, that have dealt fully and plainly therein, as Veron of Predestination, and M. Crowly in his book against Cerberus, rightly so called for his barking blasphemies, against this most comfortable and excellent doctrine: others that are learned may further satisfy themselves, with those learned answers of M. Beza against that impure Apostata Castalio."

Anyone? Obviously, the Beza book must be something around or before 1562.

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