Calling All EPCs!

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Puritan Board Freshman
I was chatting with Chaplaintraining the other day about who on the PB is from the EPC. If you are a current or former member/attender of an EP church, please let me know.
You mean "Evangelical Presbyterian", I take it, and not "EP" which usually on its own means "Exclusive Psalmodists" ?
EP stands for "Evangelical Presbyterian," just as ARP stands for "Assoc Ref'd Presbyterian." Exclusive psalmists are thieves and knaves for stealing our initials. :)

---------- Post added at 03:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 PM ----------

Okay, I just created a group for the EPC on FB. I don't know how to invite y'all, but it would be fine & dandy if you fellers would sign up. (Except for those exclusive psalmists who want to steal our initials. Once there are enough of us in the EPC group we'll jump 'em & teach 'em a lesson in knavery.)
EP stands for "Evangelical Presbyterian," just as ARP stands for "Assoc Ref'd Presbyterian." Exclusive psalmists are thieves and knaves for stealing our initials. :)

Actually, ARP stands for "Associate Reformed Presbyterian." Assoc and Ref'd are still shorted forms of the name. :)
Thanks Boliver. (You know, I still don't actually know your name...)

As for the rest of you, I submit to you the immortal words of Shakespeare: "Thou art saucy knaves." Go thou whithersoever thou wouldst, but, prithee, take thee thy adulterated and absconded emendations of our fine ecclesiastic verbiage and stuff them into thy smoking pipes. Thou knowest what though shouldst do at said instance.

Until then, I bid thee, adieu.

Well, most people I know have both a 1st and a last name, and Boliver seems like neither. :) I could call you 'Simon,' but his last name was 'Bolivar.' Do you have one of each?

Besides, whatever happened to "Eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation"?
Yes, I have a first and last name. Boliver Allmon is it. "Bolivar" was actually our family last name a few generations back, but through marriage and different things it changed. My great-grandfather wanted to keep the name going so he named by grandfather "Boliver." He couldn't remember if it was spelled "er" or "ar" so guessed. Unfortunately he guessed wrong.

Eschew obfuscation means "to avoid confusion." I find it funny because the phrase in itself is completely confusing. John 14:6 removes all salvific confusion, but without the Spirit's guidance it too is completely confusing.

I used this phrase as a witnessing tool when I was in a youth group and have stuck with it through the years.
EP stands for "Evangelical Presbyterian," just as ARP stands for "Assoc Ref'd Presbyterian." Exclusive psalmists are thieves and knaves for stealing our initials. :)
I'd dare say that those Reformed folk who sing only the Psalms in Christian worship probably didn't come up with that as a title (Exclusive Psalmists) but rather as a descriptor of practice (exclusive Psalmists), since the singing only of Psalms exclusively was the exclusive practice in WCF Presbyterian churches up until not so long ago. But with the novelty of uninspired hymnody making its merry way into the churches, it was probably a needed qualifier and, I would assume, was probably rather coined by those who are contra the position of Psalm-only singing. But that's merely an assumption and I'd have no dogmatic hill upon which to die concerning it.

The vast majority, not every individual.
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