Books on the History of Reformed Churches?

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Puritan Board Freshman
Are there any good books out there (or rather, since there almost certainly are, 'what are the good books out there') on the history of Reformed Churches*?

*by which I mean, I guess, the general course of reformation and puritan principles and theology in history...
I read 'Reformed Theology in America ' Edited by David Wells. I thought it was excellent. One I will probably re-read. Also one I started but never finished but will get in the future was 'Quest for Godliness' by JI Packer.

In Christ,
There is no one volume comprehensive history of Reformed theology in English in modern times. There are German volumes from the 19th century that do some of this. About the closest recent thing is:

Benedict, Philip. Christ's Churches Purely Reformed: A Social History of Calvinism. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2002.

It's well worth reading, though as the title suggests it's more interested in social than theological history.

Muller's Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics (4 vols) from Baker is very important in this regard as are his several other works, Christ and the Decree and After Calvin to name a few.


Are there any good books out there (or rather, since there almost certainly are, 'what are the good books out there') on the history of Reformed Churches*?

*by which I mean, I guess, the general course of reformation and puritan principles and theology in history...
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