Books Against ESS/EFS


Puritan Board Freshman
My friends and I have been having many discussions on the eternal subordination of the Son (ESS). Unfortunately, we only have access to books (such as Grudem's Systematic) and materials online that argue for ESS exegetically from places like 1 Cor. 11:3 and more. I've found it much harder to find material that has a robust exegetical, theological and historical defence against ESS. There are many blog posts that say ESS is anti-Nicene, but most do not flesh this out and show it to be explicitly so. Additionally, I have not yet found any materials that argue against ESS from an exegetical perspective.

Are there any books or resources that robustly argue against ESS from either an exegetical, theological or historical perspective?
I meant to post this list last night:

Cyril of Alexandria's commentary on the Gospel of John, particularly volume 1:

Ancient Christian Doctrine volume 2 on Christ:

Retrieving Eternal Generation:

Barrett's Simply Trinity:

This is a thread where I asked about the subject some time back:

The second post has a lot of links. The poster Ask Mr. Religion/Patrick is- sadly for us and joyfully for him- now in heaven.

There are more links below, and then later Ask M.R. writes up a nice cliff notes for dummies on why ESS is wrong. Other posters added more links.

In trying to find this thread, a search brings up other posts about ESS but I didn't review might be interested.

I came from a background where Grudem (plus John Piper) was I would say confessional. It was a blessing to get my eyes opened. May the Lord bless your discussions.