Best books for Preaching through Heidelberg?


Puritan Board Freshman
What books/works would be beneficial to use for sermon prep, if one was to preach through a series on the 52-week Lord days of the Heidelberg Catechism? I have Ursinus' commentary but can not seem to find anything else in print at the moment. I noticed Theodorus Vander Groe work looks to be out of print as well. Thank you
Ames has a work called a sketch of the Christian's catechism that is interesting. I think it's an RHB publication and maybe you can see some preview pages there, or on Amazon.

He chooses texts the support the questions for a particular Lord's Day. So, for example, he uses Jn 10:17-18 for Lord's day 16 (and then again for Lord's day 17 which are as a continuous of the lessons) and Eph 4:20-24 for Lord's day 33 for example.
Fred Klooster's 2-volume Our Only Comfort is an excellent treatment that deals with questions about the text, translation, and background of the Heidelberg. On the front of helpful information linked to each Lord's Day I've found nothing better. Other writers may well be somewhat stronger theologically (as Ursinus is), but they don't note the overlaps with Calvin or spend time analyzing the German.
The best source for everything Heidleberg Catechism related is this website. Under "Resources" you'll find a bibliography.

My website also has a few resources you might find helpful.

I've been preaching through the Catechism for 25 years and I'd have to agree that Klooster is hard to beat.
I enjoyed Bethune as well, but note that it is incomplete. The books stop at Lord's 38, the 4th commandment, leaving the second table and the Lord's Prayer not covered.
I enjoyed Bethune as well, but note that it is incomplete. The books stop at Lord's 38, the 4th commandment, leaving the second table and the Lord's Prayer not covered.
Indeed I knew his was not complete but I did not realize he made it that far! I have enough works on the commandments and the Lord's Prayer so that one seems like a good possibility. Thank you