Best Arguments Against Post-Regeneration Earning of Justification?


Puritan Board Freshman
I recently saw an EO arguing that since the power at work in our good works following regeneration is divine, it can therefore merit salvation (being then of infinite worth). I was hoping I could get a list of verses that preclude the idea of meriting justification by post-regeneration good works? This seems to be the error of all non-Reformed theology (NPP, Rome, EO), effectively denying the righteousness of Christ as the sole meritorious cause of our salvation, so this would be a very helpful list to have.
I always try to go there with EO and Catholics and press the constant law/grace dichotomy present in Paul, but the response is always something along the lines that "works" means works "apart from the grace of God", which pretty much only excludes full-blown Pelagianism. Even Galatians 3:3 usually gets treated to mean something like, "faith is also necessary to justification because good works flow out faith" and "works" are once again treated as "works apart from grace (faith)", which is, again, a very narrow definition of what constitutes being "legalistic". It's hard for me to come up with a clear argument against them when they do stuff like that.
I always try to go there with EO and Catholics and press the constant law/grace dichotomy present in Paul, but the response is always something along the lines that "works" means works "apart from the grace of God"
Which is why I said Romans 11:6 - this verse proves it's one or the other, no synergy of the two is possible.