Baptist Catechism?


Puritan Board Freshman
Fellow brother and sisters,

Is there a historic catechism that reflects the truths taught in the Second London Baptist confession?

I've been reading the Heidelberg Catechism but as y'all know, It states that the ordinance of baptism ought to be administered to infants, which I, and many other reformed fellows, do not believe that is what scripture teaches. Shout out to my Presbyterian brothers and sisters, I love y'all.

Not trying to start a debate, any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks y'all,

Zach Tanner
Hercules Collins wrote a Baptist revision of the Heidelberg which he called an Orthodox Catechism.

Benjamin Keach wrote another which tends to be appended to copies of the 1689, in my experience.
Hercules Collins wrote a Baptist revision of the Heidelberg which he called an Orthodox Catechism.

It's excellent, by the way.

Benjamin Keach wrote another which tends to be appended to copies of the 1689, in my experience.

Just for clarification, Benjamín Keach was most certainly NOT the author of The Baptist Catechism, which nowadays is (erroneously) called "Keach's Catechism".

The actual author of the Baptist Catechism was almost certainly William Collins (no relation to Hercules Collins).

Samuel Renihan wrote a good article on this topic, found here:
The Baptist Catechism can be read here:

An Orthodox Catechism can be read here:
Hercules Collins wrote a Baptist revision of the Heidelberg which he called an Orthodox Catechism.

Benjamin Keach wrote another which tends to be appended to copies of the 1689, in my experience.
Both of these are available for free on the "Reformed Companion" app available on good play. It is a great free resource.