Attributes of God Section at APM (New)

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C. Matthew McMahon

Christian Preacher
The internet is woefully inadequate on a compilation of articles, books and such on God's attributes from a biblical / Reformed perspective. I'm working to build out a solid attributes of God section to the site by faithful Reformed preachers and writers.

At this new section of A Puritan's Mind on the Attributes of God, I have listed a number of works, and linked to a number of works including (but not limited to):

The Harmony of the Divine Attributes – by William Bates (1625-1699).
A Body of Divinity by Thomas Watson (1620-1686)
The Existence and Attributes of God – by Stephen Charnock (1628-1680)
Christ and the Covenant – Meditating on the Attributes of God by William Bridge (1600-1670)
Grace for Grace – an Explanation of the Attributes of God – by William Bridge (1600-1670)
The All-sufficiency of God by Ezekiel Hopkins (1633-1690) (See also the last part of his works in volume 2)
The Incomparable Goodness and Attributes of God by George Swinnock (1627-1673)
The Doctrine of the Trinity by John Owen (1616-1683)
The Doctrine of God by Herman Bavinck
The Marrow of Theology Online by William Ames (1576-1633)

And, I built out an online chart (originally for my wife) on the attributes of God.
Here is another chart on Calvin's Institutes and the attributes.
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