ARP Polity class

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Puritan Board Freshman
Hello everyone,

I am currently taking a course on ARP polity at RTS and we have a recommended book on our reading list that is out of print. :(
The book is Theories of eldership: a study in Presbyterian polity by Lee Irons. Does anyone know how I could pick up a copy of this book? If anyone has a copy to sell I would love to take it off their hands.
It doesn't come up on Worldcat; that means no libraries on Worldcat have it; why would someone suggest a book that is not really possible to get?
Try contacting Irons himself for a digital copy of that work. I'd like to have a copy of that work myself, for the Historical Center's files.
The class is taught by Rev. Kenneth J. McMullen. He is the Library Director and Associate Professor of Theological BIbliography at RTS in Charlotte.

-----Added 9/11/2009 at 08:48:58 EST-----

It doesn't come up on Worldcat; that means no libraries on Worldcat have it; why would someone suggest a book that is not really possible to get?

There is a copy of the book on reserve in the library but I wanted a copy of my own since it was so highly recommended by our teacher.

-----Added 9/11/2009 at 08:50:06 EST-----

Is this the same Lee Irons of Klinean fame?

Yes. He is a dedicated proponet of Dr. Kline's Biblical Theology.

-----Added 9/11/2009 at 08:51:17 EST-----

Sorry. I normally try to point people to, but I already checked there and found nothing. :(

Thank you. The hunt continues then. :gpl:

-----Added 9/11/2009 at 08:52:27 EST-----

Try contacting Irons himself for a digital copy of that work. I'd like to have a copy of that work myself, for the Historical Center's files.

I will contact him and let you know if I was able to obtain a copy.
Irons used to have an article on that topic on his website. It has not been there (as far as I can tell) since he has redesigned it. The best bet is probably writing to him.
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