Anyone familiar with J.L. Neve?


Puritan Board Freshman
Has anyone read and would anyone recommend “A History of Christian Thought” by J.L. Neve? I’ve read parts of it and have really enjoyed it, but I just want to make sure it’s solid. My apologies if this post is offensive to anyone; I just want to make sure it won’t surprise me with a liberal theological spin as I work through it. I know Neve was associated with the United Lutheran Church of America that eventually became the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. I can see that it’s mainline and a bit liberal, at least now. I’m not one who is afraid to read scholars from different traditions (I’m Reformed Baptist), I just don’t want to have to use a theological filter- I don’t have the band width for that right now. I just want to be a sponge and enjoy the ride. Thank you for any input you are able to provide. Much appreciated!
After a short Google search, all I was able to come up with is his name and dates: Juergen Ludwig Neve (1865-1943). Pretty slim pickens.