[quote:69fe917308]All of the movments dabbled heavily in this, and the Zwikau prophets came out of their camp. (You'll read about those guys in your book if you have not got there already.) [/quote:69fe917308]This is interesting. We're studying the anabaptists right now and their is a disagreement here. Not that this element didn't exist, but the first word up there (all) does not belong. There were all sorts of heretics within the anabaptist movement, but there were many great godly men as well. Many of these churches attempted to avoid conflict and simply preach the truth, but were exterminated by the other protestants. Luther used the anabaptists to get the RCC of his throat. Zwingli turned on his own students and saw many of them executed. Many of their works were burned because they were caught by the RCC or fellow protestants who disagreed with them.
Many original sources have been dug up over the past 50 years or so. It would be a good idea to reevaluate anything written prior to that in light of more recent findings. It must be considered that most of what was written before then was written by the enemies of the Anabaptists.
One common thread is that they were all against a united church state, unlike Luther or Zwingli or most of the reformers of that time. They varied somewhat in how this played out, from pacifist to hostile confrontation. [quote:69fe917308]Note James M. Stayers, AThe Anabaptists,@ Reformation Europe: A Guide to Research: The current agenda of Anabaptist research consists in breaking free from confessional partisanship and narrowness, recognizing the diversity and plurality of the Anabaptists movements, tracing their connections to the thought patterns of the medieval world, illuminating the importance of the hitherto overshadowed second generation, and working towards a method of social history appropriate to an undeniably and irreducibly religious phenomenon. These are the present concerns of Reformation research in general; they imply a thorough-going integration of Anabaptism into the historical and theological interpretation of the Reformation.[/quote:69fe917308]Hubmaier would make a good study.
Four distinct groups of Anabaptists are worth considering.
I. Anabaptists (Taufer)--Root of Faith is New Testament--Positions from Scripture
A. Individuals
1. Swiss Brethern
a. Conrad Grebel 1495-1526
b. Felix Manz 1498-1527
c. George Blaurock 1492-1529?
d. Wilheim Reublin 1480-1559
2. South German Brethern
a. Michael Sattler 1490-1527
b. Pilgrim Marpeck -1556
c. Balthasar Hubmaier 1480-1528
3. Hutterites
a. Jacob Hutter ?-1536
b. Jakob Widemann
4. Dutch Mennonites
a. Menno Simons 1496-1561
b. Dirk Phillips 1504-1568
5. Others
a. Andreas Carlstadt 1480-1541
b. Eberli Bolt -1525 (First Martyr)
B. Doctrine and Characteristics
1. Bible as authority
2. Believer's Baptism
3. Apostolic Simplicity
4. Community of goods (Hutter)
5. Pacifist (all but Hubmaier)
II. Spiritualists--Root of Faith is the SpiritB Visions, dreams
A. Individuals
1. Charismatic B Revolutionary
a. Zwickau Prophets
Marcus Stubner
Nkolaus Storch
b. Thomas Munzer 1488-1525
2. Mystical
Casper Schwenckfeld 1489-1561
3. Speculative
a. Sebastian Franck 1499-1543
b. Hans Denck 1500-1527
4. Other
Wolfgang Capito 1478-1541
B. Doctrine and characteristics
1. Inner/no baptism
2. Religious/social issues
3. Dreams and visions B the living word, angelic revelation
4. Inspiration and enthusiasm
.III. Religious Revolutionaries--Root of Faith is Prophetic; allegorized Scripture--
"Maccabean" Christians--Some Violent--Prophesied restoration of
A. Individuals
1. Melchior Hofmann 1494-1543
2. Hans Hut ?-1527
3. The Munster Kingdom 1534-1535
4. Jan van Leyden
5. Jan Matthysz
6. Obbe Philips 1500-1568
B. Doctrine and characteristics
1. Kingdom baptism
2. Elaborate Chiliastic Prophetism
3. "State church" equals the Theocratic Kingdom
4. Polygamy
5. Davidic Kingdom by violence
IV. Evangelical Rationalists--Root of Faith is Reason--Anti-Trinitarians, Unitarians
A. Individuals
1. Michael Servetus 1511-1553
2. Sebastian Castellio 1515-1563
3. Laelius Socinus 1525-1562
4. Faustus Socinus 1539-1604 (Nephew of Laelius)
B. Doctrine and characteristics
1. Restored true church
2. Anti-Trinitarian
3. Chiliastic
4. Humanism
Some good sources can be found in these, although some probably aren't too good.
Armour, Roll. Anabaptist Baptism
Blake, Willem. Calvin and the Anabaptist Radicals
Basden, Paul, David Dockery The People of God, Essays in the Believer=s Church
Bax, E. Belfort. Rise and Fall of the Anabaptists
*Bender, Harold Stauffer. The Anabaptist Vision, 1960
________. The Anabaptists and religious Liberty in the 16th Century
________. The Mennonite Encyclopedia (5 vols)
Bender, Ross. The People of God
Bergsten, Torsten. Balthasar Hubmaier
Broadbent, E.H. The Pilgrim Church
Burger, Edward K. Erasmus and the Anabaptists
Burrage, Henry Sweetser. History of the Anabaptists in Switzerland
Calvin, John Treatises Against the Anabaptist and the Libertines (Farley tr.)
Carlstadt, Andreas. The Essential Carlstadt
Chronicles of the Hutterian Brethern
Church, F. Forrester and Timothy George Continuity and Discontinuity in Church History
*Clasen, Claus-Peter. Anabaptism: A Social History, 1525-1618
Davis, Kenneth R. Anabaptism and Asceticism
Deppermann, Klaus Melchior Hoffman
Early Anabaptist Spirituality. Selected Writings
*Estep, William R., Jr., ed. Anabaptist Beginnings (1523-33): A Source Book
________. The Anabaptist Story 2nd ed.
________. Revolution Within the Revolution
Fosdick, Harry Emerson. Great Voices of the Reformation, An Anthology
Friedmann, Robert. Hutterite Studies
*________ . The Theology of Anabaptism
Fulton, John F. Michael Servetus Humanist and Martyr
Garrett, James Leo The Concept of the Believers= Church
Goertz, Hans-Jurgen (ed) Profiles of Radical Reformers
Grebel, Conrad The Grebel Letters and Related Documents
Gritsch, Eric W. Reformer Without a Church (Thomas Muentzer)
Gross, Lenord The Golden Years of the Hutterites
Hershberger, Gary F. The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision
Hillerbrand, Hans Radical Tendencies in the Reformation: Divergent Perspectives
Horsch, John. The Hutterian Brethren
________. Mennonites in Europe
Horst, Irvin B. The Radical Brethren: Anabaptism and the English Reformation to1558
Hostetler, John A. Hutterite Society
*Hubmaier, Balthasar. The Writings of Balthasar Hubmaier
Jones, Rufus M. Spiritual Reformers in the 16th and 17th Centuries
_______. Studies in Mystical Religion
Keim, Albert N. Harold S Bender 1897-1962
*Klaasen, Walter.(ed). Anabaptism in Outline: Selected Primary Sources
________. Anabaptism: Neither Catholic nor Protestant
________. Anabaptism Revisited
________. (ed). Consultation on Anabaptist Mennonite Theology
Knox, John. Warning Against the Anabaptists
Krahn, Cornelius. Dutch Anabaptism, Origin, Spread, Life and Thought
Littell, Franklin Hamlin. The Anabaptist View of the Church
________. The Free Church
*________. The Origins of Sectarian Protestantism
Lumpkin, William L. Baptist Confessions of Faith
Marpeck, Pilgrim The Writings of Pilgrim Marpeck
McGlothlin, William J. Baptist Confessions of Faith
Munzer, Thomas The Collected Works of Thomas Muntzer
Ozment, Steven E. Mysticism and Dissent
Packull, Werner O. Hutterite Beginnings
________. Radical Reformation Studies (for Stayer)
Pater, Calvin Augustine Karlstadt as the Father of the Baptist Movements
Payne, Ernest A. The Anabaptists of the 16th Centruy
Philips, Dirk. The Writings of Dirk Philips
Rideman, Peter Confession of Faith
Sattler. Michael. The Legacy of Michael Sattler
Shenk Wilbert R.(ed.). Anabaptism and Mission
Sources of Swiss Anabaptism
*Simons, Menno. The Complete Writings of Menno Simons
Smithson, Robert Jamieson. The Anabaptists, Their Contribution to our Protestant Heritage
Snyder, C. Arnold Anabaptist History and Theology. An Introduction
________. The Life and Thought of Michael Sattler
Springer, Nelson P. Mennonite Bibliography, 1631-1961
*Stayer, James M. Anabaptists and the Sword
________. The German Peasants= War
Steinmetz, David. Reformers in the Wings
Vedder, Henry C. Balthasar Hubmaier, the Leader of the Anabaptists
*Verduin, Leonard. The Anatomy of a Hybrid
________. The Reformers and Their Stepchildren
Weaver, J. Denny Becoming Anabaptist
Wenger, John The Doctrines of the Mennonites.
________. Glimpses of Mennonite History and Doctrine
Weston, Gunnar. The Free Church Through the Ages
Williams, George H. The Radical Reformation
_________. "Studies in the Radical Reformation (1517-1618): A Bibliographical Survey of Research Since 1939"
*_________. and Mergal, Angel M. Spiritual and Anabaptist Writers, LCC
Van Braght, T. The Martyrs Mirror