100% online Reformed Seminary

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Puritan Board Freshman
What is one of the best Reformed Seminaries available 100% online? I live in South America and want to study for the Bachelors degree.
I know Academia de Teologica Reformada is on-line and has many South American students; however, it is in Spanish and thus I don't know if it will be useful to you. It's very good and Reformed education though:

Nathan, GPTS http://gpts.edu/ has a bachelors program which you can do completely online. And I believe all or most of the classes are live feed where you can actually interact with the professors as they teach the class. I'm told the bachelors program is essentially the same as the MDiv that they offer. If you need a contact, PM and I'll share with you the President's email and you can contact him directly.
RTS is regionally accredited. In some of the other cases, it is difficult to even ascertain their accreditation status. This may or may not be important to you, but I believe that each institution should be abundantly clear on this point. For example, I just perused the site for Whitefield college using the provided link. I clicked on many categories and couldn't find any clarity on this point.
RTS is regionally accredited. In some of the other cases, it is difficult to even ascertain their accreditation status. This may or may not be important to you, but I believe that each institution should be abundantly clear on this point. For example, I just perused the site for Whitefield college using the provided link. I clicked on many categories and couldn't find any clarity on this point.

Check this page.

Whitefield College is a member of the American Federation of Colleges and Seminaries (AmFed), and is seeking membership in the Association of Christian Schools International (ASCI).

AmFed has established a quality educational standard in post-secondary education for evangelical colleges and seminaries that do not seek secular accreditation. AmFed is not approved as a United States Department of Education (USDOE)-recognized accrediting agency. The Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities (SBICU) has designated AmFed as an approved educational agency, for the purpose of assuring conformity with the statutory requirements that mandate the disclosure of consumer-type information. As such the Federation represents and evaluates religious postsecondary institutions for ‘authorization to grant degrees’ in the State of Florida.

Whitefield College is authorized to grant degrees by the Florida SBICU. The College has also been approved by the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly as a postsecondary institution for the training of individuals for Christian vocations or service within the Church or family. Whitefield is also recommended and supported by the Christian Liberty Academy School System (CLASS), of Arlington Heights, Illinois.

It is usually the case that the primary reason an institution desires to be accredited by a government agency, or a private agency approved by the (USDOE), is to receive federal and state funding. AmFed and all of its member institutions accept neither federal nor state funding, believing that to do so would violate the separation of church and state.
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