“Life and religion”: Peter Drelincourt on the sufferings of the French Protestants

Reformed Covenanter

Cancelled Commissioner
... Life and Religion are the two things most dear and valuable of all upon earth: Life is the ground of all the Good and Happiness we enjoy in this world, and Religion is the foundation of all the Felicities we hope for in that to come; so that those persons that are deprived both of the comforts of Life, and the Profession and Exercise of their Religion, may justly be looked upon as the truest objects of pity that we can meet with in this world; and by the same rule, those that have a lively sympathy with such, have the true principle of a Christian Spirit, and are the true examples of a Christian Practice.

What extreme Hardships and Sufferings those Protestants were under in their own Country, both as to their Livelihood and Religion, is too sad and too notorious a truth, as well as too big a Subject for me now to enlarge upon. The many Proclamations which their Prince made against them, for pulling down and demolishing most of their Churches, and excluding them from all Trades and Preferments, are well known, they could neither serve God, nor enjoy themselves; They are forbidden to quit their Country, and yet by their hard usage, and persecution, in effect, not suffered to stay. ...

For more, see “Life and religion”: Peter Drelincourt on the sufferings of the French Protestants.