
  1. S

    Private Religious Fasting and Abstinence: When, Why and How to Fast

    What is the place for a day of religious fasting held by a single individual, hosehold, or other arrangement outside of a public fast of the church? What reasons would warrant such a fast — and are any of them ones that always apply (such as general repentance)? Are any of these warranted...
  2. S

    Fencing the table - by dissmising the non-communing?

    Dr. R. Scott Clark writes in the comments of this 2022 Heidelblog article: This is actually a thought I myself had a few times. The practicalities of dissmising the children aside, what do you all think of the idea? Do any Reformed or other Protestant churches practice such a thing?
  3. S

    Blessing a meal / prayer before a meal

    Have a blessed Lord's Day, brothers. How many of you pray prior to meals? Was it a common practice of the reformers? At other times of the church? Does Deuteronomy 8:10 speak generally of thanking God for his provision, or is there a specific command here?
  4. S

    Worship directives in the psalter

    How are we to approach directives for worship in the psalter? Such as: - dancing - singing a new song - using harps - using tambourines - having a procession of virgins with drums - clapping hands - sacrificing sacrifices (okay, this one is easy) - bowing down before the Lord Ext...
  5. S

    Question for exclusive psalmody proponents

    Edit: this is a related post https://www.puritanboard.com/threads/question-for-exclusive-psalmody-opponents.110609/ How would you, as EP proponents, understand different non-psalm songs in the bible? Under the old covenant, it seems you could write songs, just like you can pray uninspired...
  6. Grant

    The Intent of the Original Westminster Standards in Comparison to the Synods of Dort

    Good Morning, Preface: I do currently hold to the Exclusive Psalmody / Acapella Only in Worship positions and believe them to be at least supported by the Westminster Standards. However, I have often wondered if the original Westminster Standards should be viewed as an Exclusive Psalmody (EP)...
  7. Grant

    Still Chewing on EP/Acapella ONLY

    PB, I have been striving over the past months to wrap my head around the EP/AO position as being required by the RPW. I am humbly chewing on this and am just looking for some answers to the questions that have arisen as I have set my mind to this topic. The majority of my strategy has been to...
  8. Grant

    Family Worship

    Good Day, Once my wife and I had our first daughter I began to be convicted and convinced by scripture that I needed to do family worship. This was foreign to me as I was not raised doing family worship. Currently I have a 4yr. old and an 18 month old. 18-month old is normally asleep before we...
  9. Grant

    Head Coverings

    Hello all. I am new to having an account with Puritan Board, but I am not new to using Puritan Board as a resource to help me wrestle with certain theological topics. Women wearing head coverings is something that I have wrestled with in the Scriptures. When I read through the text in...