
  1. TheBruisedReed

    ARP Church Seeking Pastor

    Greetings PB, Covenant ARP Church of Jacksonville, North Carolina is searching for a pastor. I'm on the search committee and spreading the word on our beloved board. If anyone here is searching for a pulpit, or if you know of a minister in need of a congregation, please let me know! I'll answer...
  2. Jonathan95

    Prayer Request for Marriage and Finance

    Hello there! I am incredibly grateful to the Lord for all. I recently turned 25 and I consider it to be a big deal. I became a believer when I was 19. I never really had anyone to show me the ropes. That is true for my life before Christ as well. Had my nose buried in the books and really felt...
  3. Von

    Suggestions for work bible study

    I'm leading a bible study/devotional time at work. Last year we went through the Lord's prayer (I used Thomas Hooker as our guide) and after that we went through the letter to Philemon (more or less verse by verse). I have 15-30 minutes available once a week. I was considering: Hebrews, The...
  4. D

    The Christian and Work

    I was considering this morning how work relates to the Christian life. Consider this, can an unemployed Christian who works for the Lord be considered as a faithful witness? By "unemployed" I mean one who does not have a secular job but uses their time for the service of the Lord and others...
  5. Von

    A theology of work

    When someone asks me "Do you enjoy your work?", I find it a really hard question to answer for the following reasons: I like holiday more than work. I like weekends more than work. I like church more than work. I like spending time with my family and friends more than I like spending time...