women preaching

  1. S

    Where does the Law Say that Women are Commanded to Be Under Obedience, and Does it Tell them to Keep Silence in the Churches?

    Where does the law say this? Does "as also saith the law" refer to the obedience, to "for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience", or to the whole verse?
  2. Jonathan95

    My church is having a woman preach next Sunday.

    I am in a real pickle here. I ended up in a conversation after today’s service about how I believe that it’s wrong to go against the Scriptures and let a woman preach on the Lord’s day. My pastor says that it’s only wrong for a woman to teach authoritatively to men but that she is under the...
  3. Jonathan95

    Do women sing in your worship service?

    According to what I'm seeing in the Bible, it seems like man/men should lead worship while the rest of the congregation's men sing along and the women remain silent? My own church deviates from this in having a woman lead worship while everyone sings. My pastors even let a woman preach recently...
  4. Jonathan95

    I just don't know if I should I leave my church.

    My current church is a non-denominational church in Boston, Ma. The current issues I have with their doctrine is that they are charismatic, and they believe it okay for a woman to teach and preach on the Lord's day if they have the pastor's consent. I am a credo-baptist and the baptist churches...
  5. F

    Should women Teach at Church when men present???

    I'm sure this topic has been in another thread before, but I want to hear your opinions regarding this, especifically 1 Timoty 2:11-15 and 1st Corinthians 14:34-40. To me, the Bible is crystal clear about the authorithy role of men and women in the congregation, but, WHY is that, that many...