westminster divines

  1. S

    Shorter catechism 5 punctuation

    Is there a specific reason that there is no comma after the word "God"? Seems a more natural punctuation, at least in modern English, would be: Is there a nuance in meaning I am missing? Or is it just how they did punctuation in the puritan era?
  2. C. Matthew McMahon

    John Bunyan Introduces the Biographies Section of A Puritan's Mind

  3. Travis Fentiman

    Recreation on the Lord's Day Article

    Friends, It is often thought Westminster Confession 21.8 prohibits all recreation on the Sabbath. On the contrary, I have written something of an academic article which appears as "Intro & Westminster Only Necessarily Prohibits Worldly Recreations on the Sabbath" on the Recreation on the...
  4. Travis Fentiman

    New Release: Westminster: God is Not the Author of Sin

    The following piece may be the least known, but most important, short document of the Westminster Assembly. A book was circulated in London arguing that God is the Author even of Sin, this being purportedly for the benefit of saints taking comfort in this in their trials. The Westminster...
  5. C. Matthew McMahon

    Have You Ever Done a Great Wrong to the Devil?

    "Doing the devil a great wrong...." Have you ever heard someone say that? I'm not sure in my readings of the venerable dead, that I ever heard one of them say that, however, blame wrongly given is sin (its a lie). Here is Richard Capel again on that point, "Our heart does not stand free from...
  6. C. Matthew McMahon

    Books on the Reformation

    A few books to consider for this month on godly reform: The Duty of Reformation in Light of God’s Mercies – by Thomas Gouge (1605-1681) Do you long for reformation and spiritual revival? Even though God has given Christians blessing upon blessing, and mercy piled onto mercy, if Christians...