westminster confession of faith

  1. S

    Were Job, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar Speaking by Inspiration, and how Must We Read Job 3-31?

    Hello Brethren, In the Book of Job, we have leangthy speeches recorded by Job of Uz and his 3 friends: Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite. We know the book is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction...
  2. SkylerGerald

    Resources on the Subscription Controversy/Adopting Act?

    I’d like to learn more about the subscription controversy and Adopting Act of 1729. Are there any good resources on this subject?
  3. Travis Fentiman

    What is Worship?

    Some persons say all of life is worship, and see no special significance for the Church’s public worship. Others, often in reaction, hold worship to be only worship ordinances, such as prayer, reading Scripture and singing praise, whether publicly or privately. Both are wrong, according to...
  4. Travis Fentiman

    Recreation on the Lord's Day Article

    Friends, It is often thought Westminster Confession 21.8 prohibits all recreation on the Sabbath. On the contrary, I have written something of an academic article which appears as "Intro & Westminster Only Necessarily Prohibits Worldly Recreations on the Sabbath" on the Recreation on the...
  5. Travis Fentiman

    Thoughts on Head-Coverings?

    Is Paul’s injunction for women to cover their heads in worship binding today (1 Cor. 11:2-16)? Most of the Reformed, the Scottish covenanters and the Westminster divines in the Reformation and puritan era said ‘No,’ that Paul’s ordinance was relative to his culture, which used this custom. I...
  6. nuclear_calvinist

    Resources for Changes from WCF & SD to 2LBCF?

    Hello, I've tried searching in the group for similar topics. Hope I'm not duplicating an already-discussed topic. I'm looking for commentaries, resources, books, anything that discuss why the drafters of the 1677/1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith (2 LBCF) changed certain parts from the...
  7. C. Matthew McMahon

    Grace Chapel Church Services Now Available Through Conferencing

    For Informational Purposes Only: I sent out an email to a number of interested people this past week, and thought it might be beneficial to post it here, knowing some of you are in the very situation mentioned. Below is the gist of the email. __________ Greetings to you all! The reason you...
  8. T. E. Rickard

    Exceptions to Confession become Church wide exceptions

    Does anyone have any good resources about individual personal exceptions are to be handled by a particular church, or the relationship between them? For Example, if all the elders and minister have an exception to WLC 109, (2 Commandment); This generally translates to the Church having an...
  9. No Name #5

    Can the "man in the wilderness" be saved?

    WCF 10:III states: (emphasis mine) Wouldn't those "incapable of being outwardly called" include a proverbial man living in total isolation, cut off from society entirely? It's come to my attention that some interpret the "incapability" as only referring to those who are disabled (incapable of...