verbal plenary preservation

  1. S

    On What Ground do You Presuppositionalists Pre-Suppose Your'e Pre-Suppositions? And other questions.

    Having been introduced to Presuppositionalism through a back door, I have a very basic question: What is it, snd what is it based on? In other words, on what ground do you pre-suppose your'e pre-suppositions? If Atheos Foolsson asks you "how do you know that there is a God", or "how do you...
  2. S

    Of Diffrences between the traditional Ben Chayim Hebrew Bible and the Modern Ben-Asher versions

    Hello, It is my understanding that the traditional text of the OT was supplanted about a century ago for the Ben-Asher text of the Leningrad Codex. Useful information of this has been posted by @Jerusalem Blade on post #38 of the thread Do textual variants give us confidence? Has anyone ever...