unlimited atonement

  1. MilitaryBrat2007

    Limited Atonement is THE most important point of Calvinism. Here is why:

    Limited Atonement is THE most important point of Calvinism. Here is why: Let’s suppose Unlimited Atonement is correct... Unlimited Atonement is the belief that the entire debt of sin for all of humanity has been paid off by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. This should mean there’s no eternal hell...
  2. MilitaryBrat2007

    Does this one verse destroy unlimited atonement?

    Limited atonement is definitely one of the most contended points of Calvinism. In fact, many ‘Calvinists’ drop this point and say they are “Four-Point Calvinists.” They believe that Jesus died for the whole world (John 3:16), and often reference 1 John 2:2 “And He Himself is the propitiation for...
  3. Christian Teegardin

    My View of the Limited Atonement (Controversial)

    (The text in italics is from an article I'll give a reference to at the end of the post.) Warning: This post contains (a) controversial viewpoint(s). This post might seem a bit amateurish. I am no professional theologian. I was researching Scriptural support for the limited atonement and...
  4. KMK

    The Heidelberg Catechism and unlimited atonement

    How is this answer NOT teaching unlimited atonement?