Does anyone here have a list of major Reformed/Calvinist theologians, old or modern, organized according to where they stood on the creationism/traducianism debate? I am preparing a Sunday School class on WCF 6 and would like to have this available as an illustration. I know, for example, that...
O'Donnell's paper is a cogent examination of important questions raised by Crisp and others in the creationism versus traducianism intramural debate within the Reformed theological tradition.
I am at a loss to see how traducianism can provide a proper account, in Christian terms, for the origin...
Does the WCF teach traduciansim?
In case some reading this don't know, there are two main views of our souls. Creationism is the view that God creates our souls and gives them to us directly (presumably at conception?). Traducianism is the view our souls are essentially passed to us from...