
  1. J.L. Allen

    Pastors Tithing

    Pastors, how do you tithe? Do you give at the church you pastor? Do you give to certain funds there? Do you give elsewhere? While we're at it, do you give each Lord's Day?
  2. C. Matthew McMahon

    The Main Points of Church Government and Discipline by Christopher Love (1618-1651)

    The Main Points of Church Government and Discipline by Christopher Love (1618-1651) Love's Question 13 on tithing in support of the church and minister is worth the whole study by itself. But, the whole work is very profitable and helpful in a number of ways. Christopher Love (1618-1651)...
  3. C. Matthew McMahon

    5 Marks of Biblical Commitment to the Visible Body of Christ by C. Matthew McMahon

    5 Marks of Biblical Commitment to the Visible Body of Christ by C. Matthew McMahon This work, in an effort to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in his church, demonstrates how Christians ought to have a sound theology surrounding biblical commitment to Christ’s visible body. This topic includes the...
  4. Tim

    Tithing in a cashless, barter economy

    How might tithing work for someone who is largely self-sufficient, lives off-grid, grows his own food, and lives on little cash, etc? In such a situation, this person may only need a very small cash income, while he at the same time may have a great non-cash "increase". Even if the value...