The Wonderful Workings of God for His Church and People by Samuel Bolton, D.D. (1606-1654)
Samuel Bolton, D.D. (1606-1654) was a Westminster divine and Puritan scholar, and has been praised by many of his contemporaries as a great reformed preacher as well as a humble Christian.
Exodus 15:11...
The Reasonableness of the Christian Religion by Jonathan Dickinson (1688–1747)
Jonathan Dickinson (1688–1747), was an American Presbyterian minister of the Gospel, and founder and first president of the College of New Jersey.
Dickinson’s work before you is one of fundamentals. He has chosen...
Sparks of Divine Glory: A Practical Study of the Attributes of God by C. Matthew McMahon (725 Pages, Linen Hardcover)
Is there a good reason to study the doctrine of God? Knowing God, or not knowing God, has eternal consequences to it. The Savior came to explain the Father (John 1:18) and he...
As Christian evangelicalism continues to try and reinvent the wheel of theology from a blank slate, profound and fundamental, old, truths are lost sight of, and contradicted.
The modern heresy of the Eternal Subordination of the Son presumes, wrongly, that each Person of the Trinity has a...
ad extra
ad intra
decree of god
election and decrees
eternal decree
god's will
triune godhead
will of god
I have a question that I’m not sure if there’s an answer to. Since Jesus’ passive obedience was performed in his human nature, how could he have endured infinite wrath if his human nature is finite? I understand Jesus had infinite value as a person, but my question is how he could have suffered...
The Excellent Name of God by Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646)
Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646) was a brilliant Reformed preacher of the Gospel, and a member of the Westminster Assembly. He ministered with pastoral sensitivity and a zealous desire to glorify God in his preaching and writing...
covenant theology
eternal life
reformed theology
westminster assembly
westminster confession
The Blessed God by Daniel Burgess (1645-1713)
Daniel Burgess (1645-1713) was a popular Reformed, Presbyterian minister, and fiery preacher in his day.
To intimately know God is the substance of this work by Burgess. It is not only to know God as God has revealed his essence, but Burgess, as...
covenant theology
eternal life
reformed theology
westminster assembly
westminster confession
In the first volumn of Vos's Reformed Dogmatics, there is a Q&A :
10. What do the ancients teach concerning God’s being?
a)As has been noted above, we cannot give a definition of God’s being. After all, every definition presupposes a higher concept of genus and a distinction between a concept...
Zipped archive contains over ninety systematic theology class notes (PDF) from classes given at First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC over a period of two years.
The Westminster Confession of Faith describes God as "without body, parts, or passions, immutable".
The doctrine of Divine Impassibility is frequently neglected and/or denied, and little understood.
De Moor here defends the historic orthodox doctrine. Do you find his reasoning convincing?
The internet is woefully inadequate on a compilation of articles, books and such on God's attributes from a biblical / Reformed perspective. I'm working to build out a solid attributes of God section to the site by faithful Reformed preachers and writers.
At this new section of A Puritan's Mind...