theological audio

  1. pgwolv

    Suggestions for free audio lectures

    I just finished Ligon Duncan’s series on Covenant Theology at RTS. I would like some suggestions for other free audio of theological courses or series; at this point I am happy for suggestions regardless of theological topic. Blessings to all on the PB
  2. pgwolv

    Covenant Theology Course by Ligon Duncan, free audio

    I greatly benefited from these lectures, suggested previously on the PB. Previously, it was a part of iTunesU, which has seemingly been discontinued. The purpose of this post is just to link the current location of the course so that others may also benefit. Here it is...
  3. ValiantforTruth

    New, free theological audio resources.

    We have recently completed Machen's Christianity and Liberalism on our relatively new website, and so I wanted to introduce our site,, as some of you may be interested. Everything is free. Some highlights include: Machen's Christiantiy and Liberalism [Complete audio &...