
  1. TheThirdandReformedAdam

    Amount of hours a week I should set aside for seminary?

    Hey everyone, I am beginning my seminary studies online this Spring at GPTS. I work at a local middle school, and am wondering how many hours a week I should plan on setting aside for reading and studying if I want to succeed. I am currently planning to take roughly 9-11 credit hours a semester...
  2. Jonathan95

    Feeling burnt out.

    I'm unsure if many others deal with this but how do you deal with getting burnt out when it comes to our Christian walk? Eccl 12:12 Much study is weariness to the flesh. I can relate. At the same time: Gal 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good. 2 Thess 3:13 But as for you brethren, do...
  3. Regi Addictissimus

    When studying theological works, do you mark up books or

    Brethren, good day. I am curious to hear your methods of approaching studying. When reading theological works, do you take notes and then review them? Do you underline, mark, or highlight passages as you read through it, and then review them? I am personally a note taker. I take a plethora of...
  4. M

    Is Studying Philosophy Economically Useless?

    G'day Mates. I am 17 years-old and I am currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts Program at a secular university. The program allows students to major in two subjects. I am currently majoring in Philosophy and have yet to confirm my second major (although, I must say, Classical Languages...