spiritual warfare

  1. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW MUSIC: ALL OUT WAR - Covering Christopher Love's Book on Spiritual Warfare - McMahon

    ALL OUT WAR Dr. McMahon has taken Christopher Love’s excellent book, “The Christian’s Combat Against the Devil,” and composed and arranged songs chapter by chapter using Love’s content. Each chapter is distilled to its primary message and set to music in the style of 1980s-1990s metal rock...
  2. Travis Fentiman

    A Poem of Faith on the Apostles' Creed

    Refresh yourself in the faith with this brief poem on the Apostles’ Creed by an English minister in 1640. In this battling dialogue Satan shames and condemns the Christian, who rises up in spiritual warfare, taking faith in Christ and his Word at every point. May your heart well-up with and...
  3. Santiago DO

    How to pray better?

    I try to pray daily (private prayer after wake up and before going to bed) and circumstantially through the day. But I feel I don't pray enough (sometimes my private prayers are short ~5-15min) and don't pray correctly (Often I get distracted with my thoughts). Can you please give me some...
  4. G

    Help a pastor counsel

    I have a good-hearted soul wanting to join me in my reformed theology. One question I haven't answered to his satisfaction is... If God dispenses all power and Satan can only do as he is allowed. What sense does "Spiritual Warfare" make? Especially Jesus' exorcisms . Why refer to ANYTHING as...
  5. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW: Resisting the Devil with a Steadfast Faith by George Gifford (1547-1620)

    Resisting the Devil with a Steadfast Faith by George Gifford (1547-1620) George Gifford (1547-1620) was a most excellent puritan divine described as a fiery Gospel preacher, learned and able, being a great enemy to popery. When anyone acts in accordance with the devil, they become of a...
  6. C. Matthew McMahon

    The Victorious Christian Soldier in Christ’s Army – by Urian Oakes (1631–1681)

    The Victorious Christian Soldier in Christ’s Army by Urian Oakes (1631–1681) Urian Oakes (1631–1681) was a New England divine, and president of Harvard College. Edmund Calamy states that Oakes was noted for the uncommon sweetness of his temper as a minister of the Gospel, greatly beloved by his...
  7. C. Matthew McMahon

    Are you ready for war? Most Christians are not... Paul Bayne Teaches Ephesians 6

    The Armor of God – by Paul Bayne (1573-1617) Paul Bayne (1573-1617) was a famous puritan divine, used by God for the conversion of many puritan giants, such as Richard Sibbes. He was celebrated as a powerful and intense Reformed preacher. From Ephesians 6:10-18, Bayne teaches the reader what...
  8. C. Matthew McMahon

    Iron Sharpens Iron - The Christian's Combat Against the Devil and Christopher Love

    Greetings all. I was on Iron Sharpens Iron today taking about the latest and last book of the year for us, which is the work by Christopher Love on Spiritual Warfare. If you are interested, listen in here. (2 hours)
  9. Mathias321

    Suffering with Depression

    Depression still seems to be very misunderstood in most circles. It is a clinical illness which is many times overlooked by others, and those with it suffer alone. As someone diagnosed with recurrent depressive disorder, I was wondering what everyone’s thoughts were on how to help brothers...
  10. G

    Help a conflicted pastor

    I think I understand and agree with reformed teaching concerning oppression, Satan, and his activity. It all makes sense when reading a book or article by a reformed author. Job's boils and the Church in Smyrna seem to answer EVERY question. I honestly hope they do answer all - but after all...
  11. sojourner

    Biblical Training.Org

    Hello everyone! I'm back after a long hiatus... I am taking now a free seminar from Biblical Training. I'm taking up Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Gerry Breshears. Do you know this website? I found out about this from at reasonable theology.org.