
  1. Shadow Forge

    Amazing Sermon of Keeping The Sabbath

    Thank you so much Pastor Prakashpalan for this edifying sermon.
  2. davejonescue

    Puritan & Non-Conformist Sermon Commentary 2023-04-27

    This is a collection of Puritan & Non-Conformists sermons available in EEBO-TCP categorized by scripture; book, chapter, and verse. To access the specific verses, go to the "notes" section for each title, and there is a direct link for the sermon. All are welcome to use in any way, and share...
  3. NaphtaliPress

    October 30, 2022. Lakewood Presbyterian Church, Sermon Zechariah 2

    Morning Service for October 30, 2022. Sermon: Zechariah 2. Order of service.
  4. NaphtaliPress

    10-23-2022, Lakewood Presbyterian, Dallas (PCA), AM Worship, Sermon: Zechariah 1:18-21 (Brad C. Denton).

    Posting this just in a general coffee shop thread earlier raised the question of not having a specific place to post church live stream or specific video links. So this post inaurates the first new general forum in a while here on PB that I hope has some use. It is not for discussion as you can...
  5. JH

    Richard Baxter on the labour of ministers with weak and even obstinate believers

    What a sad thing this is to yourselves, and unto us; when ministers that are as the nurses of the church, or stewards of the household, to give them all their meat in due season, must see that all that ever they can do for you will do no more than keep you alive! Yae, how often are you...
  6. P

    Invitation - Lehigh Valley, PA, NJ, Members for This Lord's Day- 10/13/19

    Greetings PB, 1647 Heritage Reformed Church would like to invite anyone in the Lehigh Valley Area to join us. It is our first church service in the area, this Lord's day at 9:30 am. The address is 125 South Main Street, Bangor, PA, 18013. We utilize the Westminster Confession of Faith and KJV...
  7. J.L. Allen

    Sermons on Genesis

    People of this here lovely forum, Can y’all please send me sermons on Genesis? It needs to be in an audio format. It can be yourself, friends, family, favorites, or anyone else. I’m looking to listen to at least 10 sermons for a class assignment.
  8. T. E. Rickard

    Pastors; First Sermon Series

    Pastors, What was the first sermon series you preached when you began full-time ministry? What would you preach now if you could do it again?
  9. brendanchatt

    Sermons 03/27/2016

    What was the sermon about in your church today?
  10. brendanchatt

    Your church's sermon today

    What was your church's sermon today about? Please feel free to say the scripture text(s), the basic premise, or even something you just really appreciated... :)
  11. M

    Audio sermons on consecration and Christian life

    Hello, I'm looking for an audio sermon (or a series of it) on Leviticus 20:7 "‘You shall consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy, for I am the LORD your God", or basically about consecration and the Christian life. Any links on this topic would be helpful. Thanks!
  12. R

    Union with Christ - PCA 43rd GA

    Having just returned from the most recent PCA GA, my preacher highly recommended a sermon given last week entitled "Union with Christ." I've tried to find it online but have been unsuccessful thus far. Does anyone have a link to this?
  13. Sviata Nich

    Conrad Mbewe - The African Spurgeon (and the real one)

    Some of you I'm sure already know about him but for those of you who do not, I'd highly recommend listening to him - Conrad Mbewe. He has been the pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church in Lusaka, Zambia since 1987. He writes three columns for two national newspapers as well as blogging every week...
  14. raekwon

    On Haiti - "Making Sense of Tragedy" from 1/17/10

    Commending this sermon to you, folks. It was preached at my church by Pastor Greg Blosser in the wake of the Haiti earthquake. The Gospel of Christ shines through.