
  1. TheBlackPuritan1785

    Wavering of Faith

    Greetings all! I have been speaking with my brother about his wavering faith for a while and he's been really "distraught and tired" about thinking about all these things. He's talked with his own pastor but has since left the church. A bit of background about him: confessed faith in Christ...
  2. Travis Fentiman

    New Reformed Translation on the Light of Nature

    The Westminster Confession speaks of “the light of nature” in several places (WCF 1.1; 1.6; 10.4; 20.4; 21.1). It says that men may frame their lives according to the light of nature, that some things in the worship of God and Church government are to be ordered by it and that some opinions and...
  3. Haeralis

    Opinions on Sir Francis Bacon

    Yesterday, my third publication to The Imaginative Conservative went live. The brief essay describes Bacon's use of religious language in The New Atlantis done for the purpose of aggrandizing science and coopting Christianity for earthly progress. You can read the essay here...
  4. Damon Rambo

    Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye Debate Upcoming!

    Hello, all! It has just been announced that Bill Nye will debate Ken Ham on the topic of creation and evolution, February 4th. You can read the official announcement here: Answers in Genesis You can read MY assessment, HERE Ham is at least moderately presuppositional in his approach...