reformed music

  1. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW MUSIC: STAND FIRM: Nicholas Byfield's "The Promises of God" Music Project – by C. Matthew McMahon

    This is a wonderful music project based on Byfield’s work on God’s promises in Christ in the style of a "pop". This first album (of many) is an uplifting musical journey inspired entirely by Byfield’s renowned work, “The Promises of God,” aptly titled, “Stand Firm.” How firm is your stance on...
  2. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW MUSIC: Christ Above All – Flamenco Music Project by C. Matthew McMahon

    Christ Above All – Music Project by C. Matthew McMahon This is a unique musical journey in the style of Flamenco. (This album is one of my wife’s absolute favorites – and she plays guitar.) This album, “Christ Above All,” features fifteen tracks. Two of these are purely instrumental. The...
  3. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW MUSIC: ALL OUT WAR - Covering Christopher Love's Book on Spiritual Warfare - McMahon

    ALL OUT WAR Dr. McMahon has taken Christopher Love’s excellent book, “The Christian’s Combat Against the Devil,” and composed and arranged songs chapter by chapter using Love’s content. Each chapter is distilled to its primary message and set to music in the style of 1980s-1990s metal rock...
  4. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW MUSIC: The Decision of Dordt: ONE TRUTH – by C. Matthew McMahon

    “The Decision of Dordt: ONE TRUTH,” is a composition arranged and created by Dr. Matthew McMahon. This unique musical work utilizes a diverse array of musical genres, including rap, pop, country, techno, heavy metal, and others, to teach the content of the Canons of the Synod of Dordt, later to...
  5. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW MUSIC: The Echoes of Westminster: A Musical Anthology – Music Project – by C. Matthew McMahon

    The Echoes of Westminster – Music Project by C. Matthew McMahon “The Echoes of Westminster: a Musical Anthology,” is a composition arranged and created by Dr. Matthew McMahon. This unique anthology utilizes a diverse array of musical genres, including classical, reggae, rap, pop, country, and...