
  1. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW BOOK: The Works of Henry Greenwood by Henry Greenwood (1545-1634)

    The Works of Henry Greenwood by Henry Greenwood (1545-1634) Henry Greenwood (1545-1634) was a Calvinistic Minister of the Gospel and a popular early Puritan theologian. Explore the timeless and biblical wisdom of Henry Greenwood’s original works compiled into a single volume. There are nine...
  2. TryingToLearn

    The Soteriological Status of the Nephilim?

    I was just thinking about this today; I understand there's different views on who the Nephilim are (I personally think Genesis intends to say that while the Nephilim were giants, not all giants were conceived by demons), nevertheless, most will accept that Genesis does say that at least some...
  3. C. Matthew McMahon

    John Kettlewell (1653–1695) Explains the Nature of Being Obedient to Jesus Christ

    The Christian’s Deliverance by Christ and the Nature of Practical Religion by John Kettlewell (1653–1695) John Kettlewell (1653–1695) was an English Divine and powerful preacher of Christ’s Gospel. It was said of him that he was as “saint-like a man” as one ever knew. His voluminous works...
  4. C. Matthew McMahon

    The Wickedness, Humiliation, Restoration and Reformation of Manasseh by C. Matthew McMahon

    The Wickedness, Humiliation, Restoration and Reformation of Manasseh by C. Matthew McMahon Manasseh ought to hold a special place to two kinds of people who read the Bible. The first is the sinner who thinks they have sins that are bigger than Christ is a Savior. They are timid to come to the...
  5. Von

    Covenant of works and the sacrifice of Christ.

    I might be missing something here, and maybe someone can just give me a quick answer, but If the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8), how could the covenant of works be in place at the same time?
  6. C. Matthew McMahon

    Covenant Theology Section Updated

    The Covenant Theology Section has been updated. It has links to Francis Robert's Marrow on CT, as well as Witsius in its entirely online at APM. More to come.