reading the puritans

  1. S

    Recommended reading on Holiness (What is "Holy"?)

    Hello, brethren, Do you have any recommended reading (preferably not too long, more like a Puritan treatise or something similar) on holiness? As in, what it is, the holiness of God, the holiness of created things like the saints, sabbath, scriptures and temple, and related topics? In addition...
  2. Jonathan95

    Feeling burnt out.

    I'm unsure if many others deal with this but how do you deal with getting burnt out when it comes to our Christian walk? Eccl 12:12 Much study is weariness to the flesh. I can relate. At the same time: Gal 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good. 2 Thess 3:13 But as for you brethren, do...
  3. UKPuritan40

    "I only read the Bible..."

    I recently heard someone saying to another person who was sharing their enthusiasm over the Valley of Vision (a book of Puritan prayers) that they pretty much only read the word of God. The gist was not that they are hard and fast only going to read the bible, but seemed strongly convicted that...