puritan works

  1. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW MUSIC: ALL OUT WAR - Covering Christopher Love's Book on Spiritual Warfare - McMahon

    ALL OUT WAR Dr. McMahon has taken Christopher Love’s excellent book, “The Christian’s Combat Against the Devil,” and composed and arranged songs chapter by chapter using Love’s content. Each chapter is distilled to its primary message and set to music in the style of 1980s-1990s metal rock...
  2. Travis Fentiman

    Great News! EEBO Phase 2 & RBO

    Friends, If you have not heard already, Phase 2 of Early English Books Online has just been made publicly available on the net (ahead of schedule); the collection has over 35,000 volumes, including many reformed and puritan works. You may search Phases 1 & 2 here...
  3. C. Matthew McMahon

    New Puritan Biographies Updated

    Here are a number of Puritan Biographies Updated at APM. They list a bio, picture (if available) and their works, and they link to all the known works of that individual online: Adoniram Byfield (1602-1660) Benjamin Rudyerd (1572–1658) George Morley (1598–1684) Charles Herle (1598–1659) John...