Geerhardus Vos argues in his Reformed Dogmatics that the doctrine of providence "belongs to the ad extra works of God and in particular to the works of nature, which are to be distinguished from the works of grace." For this reason he did not treat of miracles under this topic.
What are the...
Two brief but valuable pieces on Providence by Calvin and Beza were translated from French and Latin by John Knox. However as they have laid in the midst of Knox’s massive volume on Predestination in very old and difficult English (even in the latest reprint of Knox’s Works), few people it...
author of sin
hyper calvinism
is god the author of sin
john calvin
john knox
reformed resources
resources available
theodore beza
God is Our Refuge and Our Strength by George Gipps (n.d.)
George Gipps (n.d.) was a member of the Westminster Assembly, is noted as a strong Christian of personal piety, and was a faithful minister of the Gospel in Aylstone, Leicester-shire England.
In this work, Gipps deals particularly with...
The following piece may be the least known, but most important, short document of the Westminster Assembly. A book was circulated in London arguing that God is the Author even of Sin, this being purportedly for the benefit of saints taking comfort in this in their trials.
The Westminster...
author of sin
book burning
church-state relations
effective permission
god's permissive will
innate corruption
is god the author of sin
origin of sin
reformed resources
westminster assembly
westminster divines
works of the westminster divines
(This is my first post - other than introducing my self)
I am currently writing my MA-thesis on providential occurances ("prodigies") in Denmark during the 30 Year's war and how they were used to teach piety to the people.
Also the Puritans made much of prodigies and many pamphlets were...
The Glorious Name of God the Lord of Hosts by Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646)
Jeremiah Burroughs (1599-1646), was a brilliant Reformed preacher of the Gospel, and an astute theologian. He ministered with pastoral sensitivity and a zealous desire to glorify God in his preaching and writing.
I am not thinking this is particularly likely but does anyone have a copy of this tract (a few pages) in an electronic or photo form?
I understand it exists in special collections at the Bodleian Library in Oxford and the British Library, Cambridge University Library and the National...
It is a well know fact that Calvin rejected the language that "something took place by the permission of God, but not also by the will of God." (Institutes, I. XVIII. I)
It’s intersting that, after rejecting the language of permission, he cites Augustine using language of permission and takes...
Looking for direction in the study of the best works on the doctrine of providential preservation, both of the Old Testament Hebrew and the New Testament Greek!
What is Experiential Religion?
Jonathan Edwards:
“A gracious experience arises from operations and influences which are spiritual, from an inward principle which is divine, a communication of God, a participation of the divine nature [2 Pet. 1:4]: Christ living in the heart, the Holy Spirit...
Hi all,
I'm new on this website, but I'd appreciate a discussion on this topic to bring up further ideas of study.
I'm trying to get a better understanding of how the common grace of God and the special grace of God, 'overlap' and inter-work somewhat, for an assignment I'm doing on the...
I would really like to keep a journal, and am looking for practical advice or spiritual wisdom in this regard. My main reason for wanting to journal is to better see God's hand in life and gospel ministry. If you have found value in keeping a journal, would appreciate your interaction.