
  1. G

    Hear vs Listen in John 10:27

    NASB 2020 changed John 10:27 from -to- They’re not the only ones to do this and it seems pretty well split among popular translations. Is there a theologically significant difference here or is to hear also to listen? I guess my knee jerk reaction was to attribute hearing to election and...
  2. Travis Fentiman

    Calvin & Beza on Providence: Translated by Knox

    Two brief but valuable pieces on Providence by Calvin and Beza were translated from French and Latin by John Knox. However as they have laid in the midst of Knox’s massive volume on Predestination in very old and difficult English (even in the latest reprint of Knox’s Works), few people it...
  3. Travis Fentiman

    New Release: Westminster: God is Not the Author of Sin

    The following piece may be the least known, but most important, short document of the Westminster Assembly. A book was circulated in London arguing that God is the Author even of Sin, this being purportedly for the benefit of saints taking comfort in this in their trials. The Westminster...
  4. Travis Fentiman

    New Translation of Rollock on Predestination

    There is a short tract in Latin on God’s decree of predestination by Robert Rollock, the early and formative Scottish theologian, which was left untranslated in his two volume Select Works. It has now been translated and made publicly available for the first time. Rollock here treats of the...
  5. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW: Faith, Election and the Believer’s Assurance by George Gifford (1547-1620)

    Faith, Election and the Believer’s Assurance by George Gifford (1547-1620) George Gifford (1547-1620) was a most excellent puritan divine described as a fiery Gospel preacher, learned and able, being a great enemy to popery. In this Scriptural exhortation and teaching on 2 Peter 1:1-11...
  6. C. Matthew McMahon

    Christian Truths Necessary for Salvation by Nicholas Byfield (1579–1622)

    What is necessary truth in relationship to the Gospel? Byfield explains what central truths surround the Gospel in an easy to understand format. Great for family worship! Christian Truths Necessary for Salvation by Nicholas Byfield (1579–1622) (250 pages) Nicholas Byfield (1579–1622) was a...
  7. SebastianClinciuJJ

    Alister McGrath’s interpretation of Augustine

    Hello, I am reading McGrath’s Iustitia Dei and I came across something strange. In his analysis of Augustine’s concept of free will, he writes: “According to Augustine, the act of faith is itself a divine gift, in which God acts upon the rational soul in such a way that it comes to believe...
  8. Travis Fentiman

    Resources Available: Infra & Supralapsarianism

    Friends, If it is of interest, and as I suspect many here probably have opinions on the topic, I have collected as many resources on Infralapsarianism and Supralapsarianism as I could get my hands on through reformed history. For those new to the subject, of whether God, in his predestinating...
  9. Mathias321

    Open Theism and 2 Chronicles 6:5

    I had an open theist today on Facebook quote 2 Chronicles 6:5 to try to "prove" to me God doesn't have a foreknowledge or doesn't predestine anything. Here is the discussion between me and the open theist (OT). I may have not answered it too well because I was a bit fired up at his heresy. OT...
  10. Mathias321

    God's decrees: The whole "child rape" argument

    I have heard anti-Calvinists usually argue against Calvinism by quoting James White's response to a question "does God decree child rape" to which he responded "yes, otherwise it's a meaningless evil." Now, I have likewise heard Bob Enyart, an open-theist heretic, say that in order for God to...
  11. Mathias321

    James White Refutes Pastor's Anti-Calvinism

    A must see! James White made this podcast (or whatever it was) at the end of 2010 (I think). I found it on YouTube on a random channel (not Alpha and Omega Ministry's Channel) and downloaded it to upload it for myself on my channel. I believe James White here gets at some very essential points...
  12. Matthew1344

    Romans 5! Please help me out! Who are the "all" or "many"

    I am a Calvinist. And I believe God is sovereign over all things all the time in total control. i am right now reading "The Death of Death in the Death of Christ: John Owen". Because of this I have really been trying to unpack more the doctrine of definite atonement. My desire it to...
  13. B

    Distinction between the special grace and common grace of God

    Hi all, I'm new on this website, but I'd appreciate a discussion on this topic to bring up further ideas of study. I'm trying to get a better understanding of how the common grace of God and the special grace of God, 'overlap' and inter-work somewhat, for an assignment I'm doing on the...
  14. M

    Books on Election and the Trinity - Need Recommendations

    Hello, I am looking forward to buying one book on Election and one on the Trinity but I don't know which to choose for my self (money is not a problem). I have studied to refute arminian proof texts from John Gill's The Cause of God and Truth, Jame White's Potter's Freedom, and essays on...
  15. M

    Books on Predestination

    I want to give my Arminian friend a book on God's sovereignty in salvation. (He has no college degree on theology). I found two books that appear to be good on the topic of Predestination and God's sovereignty, but I don't know which one to buy: (1) Predestination - Gordon Clark (2) The...
  16. M

    Help me defend Reformed Theology

    Grace and Peace, I refuted a chapter on predestination from a Brazilian Seventh Day Adventist and defended the doctrines of predestination according to Reformed Theology. However, this month marks one year that I came to believe in the doctrines of grace and I don't know everything...