
  1. Charles Johnson

    Anselm, Calvin, Bullinger, Olevian, Dickson, Fergusson, MH on mediatorial kingship

    Hi all, I wrote an article with quotes from these men and a few others on the doctrine of mediatorial kingship - for some of them, it's the first time these sections have been translated into English. Unfortunately, when I tried to post it on facebook, their spam filter blacklisted my blog, so...
  2. Christusregnat

    Disputations on the Judicial Laws of Moses by Johannes Piscator

    Howdy y'all, I've completed my first translation project! Thank you Backwoods and Wayne for assisting with the proofing! George Gillespie, a Scottish Delegate recommended Johannes Piscator's Appendix on Exodus 21-23 in glowing terms: This Appendix has been separately translated by...