
  1. T

    John Owen's Works, Read Systematically

    There are many people I so wish had written a proper systematic theology. I wish John Murray had; I wish Jonathan Edwards had; I wish Cornelius Van Til had. The one I most wish had written one, though, is John Owen. A year or so ago, I purchased the entire works of Owen (including his Hebrews...
  2. M

    Hebrews (ABRIDGED) - John Owen

    I'm interested in buying the modern and abridged version of John Owen's commentary on Hebrews (Amazon link), which was published by Crossway. However, I would like to know if someone here has one and could comment on it. - Has the language been updated to modern English? I have read some...
  3. J

    Comments on chapter 12 Mortification of Sin

    As in my last post I stated, im reading this book and I wanted to comment on what cahpter 12 shows and relate iot to something Ive heard many times today. i woul like to mnow others comments in this relation. Thanks. Chapter 12 of the mortification of sin of John Owen shows that a mean to...
  4. J

    clarifying word of John Owen in Chapter 11 of the Mortification of Sin

    Im currently reading the mortification of sin of john Owen. Ive truly been blessed and edified by this lecture. Since its an old book its language and style takes a little of getting used too, but Ive managed by rereading a few times and I believe Ive been able to extract what this man of God...