original language

  1. S

    Do any Presbyterian Churches still Require Ministers to Know Latin

    The Form of Presbyterian Church Government set at the Westminster Assembly, in it's Directory for the Ordination of Ministers, says: Do any of the Presbyterian Churches or Seminaries still have this or a similar requirement? Perhaps some of the more conservative ones that still hold the Form...
  2. Travis Fentiman

    Online Hebrew & Greek Grammars & Resources

    Do you want to learn to read God’s Word in one of the original languages of Scripture? Never has it been easier to start on your own. These new webpages of Hebrew and Greek grammars at ReformedBooksOnline will readily start you on your way. The pages are also very useful for intermediate and...
  3. RobertPGH1981

    Original Manuscripts in Type not Pictures

    Hello All, I am reviewing textual variants in a pericope that I selected out of Mark 6:7-13. I am trying to view the original manuscripts but the originals are very hard to read. Is there a website that has the manuscripts in word processing type (like you are reading now)? I found this...