
  1. erickinho1bra

    Online vs No Seminary

    I have heard that online seminary (even if joined with service in a local church) is not good enough to really train someone to be a pastor and does not grant the student the opportunity to develop relationships with students and professors. I can agree with the latter point but I'm not sure if...
  2. Steve Curtis

    Online (free) educational resources

    I'd appreciate any contributions to a list of free online courses (recorded or interactive). Any language is fine (please indicate if it is not English, though). If you have a brief description or account of your or another's experience, that would also be helpful. Please include a link. Thanks!
  3. Romans678

    TNARS and its Affiliate Status

    Good evening everyone. I've been doing research about different seminaries and their benefits. The North American Reformed Seminary has come up in multiple discussions, with relatively good opinions all around. My question is about their Affiliate status. Why are they affiliated with ARTS but...
  4. M

    100% online Reformed Seminary

    What is one of the best Reformed Seminaries available 100% online? I live in South America and want to study for the Bachelors degree.
  5. reformedman

    Best Devotional for audio recordings

    I like to make audio recordings of books for people. There are a few people in New York who are blind who are particularly interested in getting more of my recordings. I am interested in starting a devotional reading but I can't decide which one. What is your recommendation of a devotional...
  6. reformedman

    Online Bachelor's Degree

    I wonder if anyone has a suggestion. I am coming up to some free time at home but do still need to work full time and rear the children but with the bit of time that I will have during the day I would like to go back to school and get a Bachelor's degree. I would like to study Bible more...
  7. reformedman

    Trinity Book Service

    The Trinity Baptist Church in Montville New Jersey once pastored by Al Martin has changed their domain name. Please update your bookmarks for it.