
  1. alexanderjames

    Neo-Calvinism: A Theological Introduction

    Book by Cory C. Brock and N. Gray Sutanto, 2022. Lexham Press (Lexham Academic). This was released a few months ago, and has featured on podcasts like the Reformed Forum. Seemingly centered around the Dutchmen Herman Bavinck and Abraham Kuyper, as well as some others, Neo-Calvinism is painted...
  2. Travis Fentiman

    Presumptive Regeneration

    What is to be made of Presumptive Regeneration (PR), which has become so popular in the modern, Reformed Church? Jesus told Nicodemus, who was a teacher in Israel and externally in the Covenant in good standing, “You must be born again.” (Jn. 3:7) It is largely not known that the classical era...
  3. TylerRay

    Afscheiding, Doleantie, and Bavinck

    Seeing that Bavinck came from the Afscheiding tradition prior to the Doleantie, does Neo-Calvinistic thought play much of a role in his theology? Not having read him, I had always thought of him as a Neo-Calvinist, but, as I'm beginning to understand a little bit about Dutch church history, I am...
  4. eqdj

    Calvinistic But Not Reformed

    Wondering if you all have read Dr. Bradley's blog post today and if so, your thoughts - Calvinistic But Not Reformed There are lots of Anglican, Presbyterian and "Reformed" types (both mainline and conservative) who do not have a Reformed worldview--the kind you read about in Al Wolter's book...